Selon in French: Every meaning of this versatile word

Celine Grooms

Selon is a versatile French word that can take a handful of English translations. In French, selon is used in several contexts, each with its own subtle nuances. Today we’ll take a close look at all the uses of selon in French, covering each unique selon meaning. We’ll learn several selon translations for each one, along with suitable French alternatives to selon.

From a grammatical perspective, selon is a preposition. However, unlike many familiar prepositions that help us to locate physical things in space, such as above, below, or behind, we only use selon to situate things figuratively. For this reason, there’s no single English word that captures the same meaning of selon in French, regardless of how it’s being used.

Let’s dive in and see the different ways to use our French selon, seeing multiple English and French equivalents for each of the contexts.

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To introduce a source of information

In its most common use, selon introduces a source of information. The easiest selon translation here is according to, while others include in the opinion of, as interpreted by, as per, or viewed by.

We use selon in this sense when we state information that we may consider to be an opinion, a viewpoint, or even a fact, while then qualifying this stance by accrediting the information to a specific source.

Other French equivalents to selon in this sense include d’après and du point de vue de.

  • Selon les experts, cette méthode est très efficace. – According to experts, this method is very effective.
  • Selon ce que je comprends des instructions, tu es en train d’attacher ce morceau à l’envers. – From what I understand of the instructions, you’re attaching this piece backwards.
  • Selon certains architectes, la beauté réside dans la simplicité. – According to some architects, beauty lies in simplicity.
  • Ce tabelau est considéré selon les critiques comme un chef-d’œuvre. – This painting is considered by critics to be a masterpiece.

When the source of information is a person or people, we need to use the French stressed pronouns after selon. This can even apply to the speaker themself, when they want to highlight that they’re giving their opinion and that other people may think otherwise. A good translation for this use is in their opinion, while a French equivalent is à son avis.

  • Selon moi, ce restaurant est le meilleur de la ville. – In my opinion, this restaurant is the best in town.
  • Selon vous, que faut-il faire ? – In your opinion, what needs to be done?
  • Arnaud n’aime pas les chiens. Selon lui, ils sont tous des animaux sauvages. – Arnaud doens’t like dogs. In his opinion, they’re all wild animals.

To refer to specific evidence as a justification

Whereas our previous selon meaning just credits information to some source, in this case we use that information to justify what comes next. Here, selon is used to explain some rational analysis linking the information source to another result. With this use of selon, the speaker implies that the information is well-grounded, as opposed to mere opinion.

The most common English translation of selon in this usage is based on, though according to and as per are often suitable too. French alternatives include d’après and conformément à.

  • Selon les résultats de l’enquête, le projet sera ajusté. – Based on the survey results, the project will be adjusted.
  • Selon les données, les ventes devraient augmenter cette année. – According to the data, sales should increase this year.
  • Selon ses performances passées, il est un excellent candidat. – Based on his past performance, he is an excellent candidate.

To describe conformity

Here we use selon to introduce something that the other information follows, respects, or conforms with. It indicates that something is in agreement with a rule, a standard, or an expectation. This use is particularly common in legal or professional situations to demonstrate adherence to rules or guidelines.

For this use, good selon translations include in line with, keeping with, in accordance with, based on, or conforming to. A French alternative is conformément à.

  • Nous avons adapté le projet selon les normes de l’entreprise. – We adapted the project in line with company standards.
  • Selon la loi, tous les enfants doivent aller à l’école. – According to the law, all children must go to school.
  • L’équipe a été sélectionnée selon les critères de performance. – The team was selected based on performance criteria.

To introduce a variable

In this use, our French selon introduces some variable that has an effect on something else we’re describing. It suggests that a decision or an outcome may change based on a particular factor.

English translations of this use include depending on and based on. An alternative to this use of selon in French is en fonction de, while proportionellement à is often also suitable.

  • Le prix varie selon la saison. – The price varies depending on the season.
  • Nous ferons une activité selon la météo. – We’ll do an activity based on the weather.
  • Selon les jours, la salle de sports est plus ou moins occupée. – Depending on the day, the gym is more or less busy.
  • Je choisis mon train selon le prix plutôt que selon l’heure. – I choose my train based on the price rather than on the time.

Conclusion: Selon in French

Selon in French is an incredibly versatile word that we use in many different contexts. Its meaning varies based on what we’re communicating, whether it’s attributing an opinion to someone, basing a statement on evidence, referring to standards, or expressing variability.

Thanks to the explanations of each selon meaning in today’s lesson, you should now know the right meaning of selon, selon le contexte!