How Are You In French? – 10 Different Phrases To Strike Up Conversation

Celine Grooms

If you want to make any kind of connection with a French speaker, asking “how are you” is a good way to start a conversation. You are probably familiar with the struggle around the French formality and using ‘tu’ (you informal) or ‘Vous’ (you formal) is still confusing for you. It’s normal, It can be confusing for French people too!

In this article, you’ll learn 10 different ways you can ask and answer how are you in French. We’ll show you simple neutral ways to ask ‘how are you?’ but also how to address the question in informal and formal settings.

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Let’s dive in! 

1) Comment ça va ? – How is it going?

This is the most basic and neutral greeting in French. You can use it without having to worry about the formality nor the singular or plural.

It literally means “how it goes?” but translates to “how’s it going?” or “how are you?”

The verb here is ‘Aller’ (to go) and its conjugation will depend on whether you’re speaking in an informal way, to a friend for example (Tu vas bien?), or in a formal setting or to a group of people (Comment Allez-vous?).

  • Émilie:  Salut Marc ! Comment ça va ? – Hi Marc, How are you?
  • Marc: Coucou Émilie, ça va super et toi? – Hi Émilie I’m doing great! and you?

2) Ça va ? – How’s it going? 

A common and popular way to greet someone, sometimes, a response is not even needed. Also, ‘Ça va’ can be both the question and the answer! 

It’s commonly used as an initial greeting between acquaintances who you bump into, it’s the sweet spot between the formal and informal scenarios, can be used with a singular person or with a group of people. 

3)Comment vas-tu ? – How are you?

Another practical greeting that is pretty simple and direct – it can be used in both formal or informal scenarios,  It’s especially common when you haven’t seen a person for a long time, and you want to catch up with them. It can be translated as: “How have you been?”

4)Comment allez-vous ? – Are you well? 

This expression usually results in an answer, since you’re showing interest in the person’s life, whether asking about their family, job, or just generic. It can also be preceded with ¿Qué tal? 


5) Vous allez bien? – Are you well? 

A casual and very colloquial expression. It can be translated as “What do you tell me?” literally, but its real equivalent in English is “What is going on?”. It’s considered more like slang, and so it’s not something to be used in a formal scenario. As in English, you can reply to this question with: Nada nuevo (nothing new), nada en especial (nothing special), lo normal (the usual), or no mucho (not much)


6) Qu’est ce que tu deviens? – How has life been?

This greeting comes really handy when you have not seen a person or friend for ages, and you meet them again. You want to know what things are new in their life since the last time you met. It literally means “What are you becoming?” but translates to “how has life been?” in English. 

7)Comment vous sentez-vous ? – How are you feeling? 

This greeting can be used in both formal and informal settings. Its direct English counterpart is “How are you doing?”.

We normally use this expression with : me, te, le, les or os; for instance: ¿Cómo les va? – Nos va bien


8) Quoi de neuf? – What’s up?

This is a colloquial and informal expression, widely used in a professional or work environment between colleagues. It became very popular for being used by Bugs Bunny with his iconic phrase “¿Qué hay de nuevo, viejo?”, or in the English version of the cartoon “what’s up, doc?”.


9)Quoi de beau ? – What’s beautiful?

This is very similar to “¿Cómo va todo?”, but more informal. When you ask someone ¿Cómo andas?, most of them will probably respond with: “Bueno, ahí vamos” (well, so far so good) or “No me quejo / No me puedo quejar” (I can not complain). It’s an expression well known among Spaniards and South Americans.


10) Ça roule? – It’s rolling?

This expression is very informal. It’s usually only used when there is a high level of confidence or friendship; and as in the case of ¿Qué tal? we do not expect an answer from the other person.


How are you in French – Typical Responses

Answering how are you in French : 

Keep in mind all these answers may be accompanied by “Et toi?” for informal (Friends, people you know, or people your age) and “Et vous?” for formal (Old people, people you respect or you don’t know…). 

English Phrase


I am fine, thanks!

Ça va, merci !

¡Everything is good!

Tout va bien !

Not very much

Pas trop 

I am doing great!

Ça va super bien !

Everything is doing well!

Tout va bien !

Good enough!

Ça peut aller !


Ouais, de ouf ! (Very informal)

I can not complain!

Je ne peux pas me plaindre.

Same old same old

Comme toujours ! 

Same as always

Comme d’hab (Very informal)


Super bien !


Terriblement mal ! 

Not very well

Pas très bien




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