Clothes in French: Big vocab lists of French clothing words

Celine Grooms

We all take pride in how we present ourselves. Clothing and accessories are a huge part of our everyday lives, they prepare us for various settings whether professional or casual, and we also use our outfits for self-expression. So knowing how to talk about clothing in French is a necessity!

In this post we’ll learn all the vocabulary to describe clothes in French, broken down by category. Let’s get started!

Clothing in French: Les vêtements, Les habits

Before we get into specific items of clothing in French, let’s just begin with the basics. In English, you say clothes or clothing to describe the ensemble of clothing items we wear, whereas in French we have a variety of words that can be used. Les vêtements and les habits, both masculine nouns, refer to items of clothing, while un ensemble refers to an outfit. When using slang, we use the term des fringues, a feminine noun, to describe clothing items.

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Casual Wear: Les vêtements de tous les jours, détendus, et décontractés

In this section we include the most common pieces of casual clothing in French. Specific sections follow for various seasonal and theme-specific occasions. Les vêtements de tous les jours translates literally as everyday clothes in French, while we can say either les vêtements détendus or les vêtements décontractés to mean casual wear.

Casual wear Les vêtements de tous les jours
Shirt Une chemise, Un chemisier
T-shirt Un t-shirt
Top Un haut
Halter-top Un haut à dos nu
Button-down shirt Une chemise boutonnée
Polo shirt Un polo
Blouse Une blouse
Bodysuit Un maillot de corps
Cardigan Un chandail, Un gilet
Fleece Un polaire
Skirt Une jupe
Miniskirt Une mini-jupe
Pants, Trousers Un pantalon
Flair pants, Bellbottoms Un pantalon en patte d’éléphant
Shorts Un short
Jeans Un jean
Belt Une ceinture
Watch Une montre
Necklace Un collier
Earrings Des boucles d’oreilles (f)
Bracelet Un bracelet
Ring Une bague
Bag Un sac
Handbag Un sac-à-main

Formal Wear: Les vêtements habillés

Whether you’re dressing up for a night out with your friends or for a wedding, here’s the formal French clothing vocabulary you’ll need.

Formal wear Les vêtements habillés
Evening wear Une tenue de soirée
Suit (man’s) Un costume, Un costard
Suit (woman’s) Un tailleur
Tuxedo Un smoking
Black tie event Une événement de société
Dress pants Des pantalons habillés
Tie Une cravate
Bowtie Un noeud-papillon
Waistcoat Un gilet
Blazer Un blazer
Suspenders Des bretelles
Dress Une robe
Gown Une robe du soir
A low-cut neckline Un décolleté
Wedding dress Une robe de mariée

Summer clothes: Les vêtements d’été

Of course, when the summer heat kicks in, we need to peel away some layers and choose cooler clothes. Check out this list of summer clothes in French to get you ready for a seaside breeze and some SPF.

Summer clothes Les vêtements d’été
Sun dress Une robe d’été
Sleeveless shirt Un haut sans manches
Capri pants Un pantalon capri
Bermuda shorts Un bermuda
Overalls Une salopette
Jumpsuit Une combinaison
Bathing suit, Swimsuit, Swim trunks Un maillot de bain
Bikini Un bikini
One-piece Un une pièce
Wetsuit Une combinaison de plongée
Neoprene shirt, Rash guard Une chemise en néoprène
Sunglasses Des lunettes de soleil
Cap Une casquette
Hat Un chapeau

Winter clothes: Les vêtements d’hiver

In winter, there is a wonderful French word for bundled up: emmitouflé(e). Check out this list for our common French winter clothing vocabulary. Note that this list is specific to France, since Québec has a lot of its own specific vocab for winter clothing in French!

Winter clothing Les vêtements d’hiver
Sweater Un pull
Coat Un manteau
Jacket Une veste
Raincoat Un impermeable
Denim jacket Une veste en jean
Leather jacket Une veste en cuir
Flight jacket Une veste de vol
Parka, Anorak Un anorak
Poncho Un poncho
Gloves Des gants (m)
Mittens Des moufles (f)
Scarf Une écharpe
Puffy jacket Une doudoune
Snow hat Un bonnet
Windbreaker Un coupe-vent

Sports clothes: Les vêtements de sports

In this section we focus on all the sports clothing you’ll need to hit the gym and other physical activities in French.

Sportswear Les vêtements de sport
Tracksuit Un survêtement
Sweatshirt Un sweatshirt, Un sweat
Hoodie Un sweatshirt à capuche
Tank top Un débardeur
Sports bra Un soutiens-gorge de sport, Un soutif
Sweat pants, Joggers Un jogging
Leggings Des leggings (m)

Underwear and Nightwear: Les sous-vêtements

This next category is to be extra specific when describing how laid back you are in your jammies, or how dressed up you are underneath your outfit. Check out this list of undergarments in French.

Underwear Les sous-vêtements
Bra Un soutiens-gorge, Un soutif
Panty Une culotte
Thong Un string
Boxers Un boxer, Un caleçon
Socks Des chaussettes (f)
Tights Des collants (m)
Pantyhose Des bas (m)
Pyjama Un pajama, Un pyjama
Nightgown Une robe de nuit
Robe Une robe de chambre
Bathrobe Un peignoir
Garters Des portes-jarretelles

Shoes: Les chaussures

Sure, some of these could have been included in specific sections above, but we’ve chosen to group our whole list of footwear in French here.

Shoes Des chaussures (f)
Flip-flops Des tongues (m)
Sneakers, Tennis shoes Des baskets (f)
Boots Des bottes (f)
Slip-ons Des souliers (m)
Sandals Des sandales (f)
Slippers Des chaussons (m)
Espadrilles, Deck shoes Des espadrilles (f)
Oxford shoes Des chaussures richelieu (f)
Ankle boots Des bottines (f)
Rain boots Des bottes de pluie (f)
Combat boots Des bottes de combat (f)
Ballet flats Des ballerines (f)
Climbing shoes Des chaussons d’escalade (m)
High heels Des talons hauts (m)
Stilettos Des talons aiguilles (m)
Clogs Des sabots

Conclusion: Clothing in French

With these lists of French clothing vocab, you’re ready to dress anyone! Shall we go over what we looked at today before we go?

First, we learned that in French, we can say clothing with a variety of words, whether les vêtements, les habits, or les fringues. Then we looked at the different categories of clothing, starting with casual and formal wear, moving on to summer and winter wear, and ending with sportswear, underwear, sleepwear, and shoes.

Do you want to be able to describe your clothing? Check out our posts on French adjectives and colors in French to add a bit more detail. You may also be interested in learning how to talk about the body and physical traits in French to help describe your clothing needs and desires with even more precision.

We hope this post has given you the vocab you were looking for, and has helped you learn how to name clothes in French. Remember that you can bookmark it so that you can review the vocabulary whenever you need to. See you next time!