Zut Alors! The charming French exclamation you’ll love to use

If you’ve been studying French for long, you’ve likely come across some delightful phrases and wondered what they meant. Today we’re introducing one such gem: Zut alors! This whimsical expression is a window into the playful side of the French language, so it’s perfect for English speakers learning French. In Keep reading...

Bon Appétit! Exploring French Dining Etiquette

When dining in France or in the company of French speakers, you’ve likely encountered the phrase Bon appétit! This expression, resonant with warmth and sophistication, is a staple of French dining culture. But what does bon appétit signify beyond its literal translation? Is it simply a chic way to say enjoy your Keep reading...

Clothes in French: Big vocab lists of French clothing words

We all take pride in how we present ourselves. Clothing and accessories are a huge part of our everyday lives, they prepare us for various settings whether professional or casual, and we also use our outfits for self-expression. So knowing how to talk about clothing in French is a necessity! In Keep reading...

How to say No Problem in French: 10 nuanced expressions

Let’s dive back into the charming world of French expressions, building on similar posts where we introduced different ways to say such things as good luck, congratulations, and of course in French. Today we’re specifically focusing on how to express the sentiment of no problem in French. Whether you’re a beginner Keep reading...

French Indirect Object Pronouns: A How-to Guide

French indirect object pronouns are essential for fluent conversation and writing. They are used to replace the nouns that receive the action indirectly in a sentence. This guide will help you understand and use French indirect object pronouns: me/m’ ([to] me), te/t’ ([to] you), lui ([to] him / [to] her / [to] it), Keep reading...

Il faut: How to use this French phrase, with falloir conjugation

As a way of expressing obligation in French, il faut is one of the most common phrases you’ll hear. Il faut is generally used to convey a sense of necessity or obligation, or to give advice or suggestions. Although this common French expression may seem simple, there are some nuances Keep reading...

Qu’est-ce que c’est: What is this in French?

Though it may look like and sound like a tongue twister at first, the French expression qu’est-ce que c’est is a useful and versatile tool to have in your vocabulary. This French question seamlessly integrates into a variety of situations, from asking about an unfamiliar dish at a bistro to Keep reading...

The New LingoCulture Platform is Live!

For the last 12 months, we’ve been working hard to build a completely new platform that will improve every single aspect of your current LingoCulture experience. We’re excited to tell you that as of  December 19th, 2023, the new LingoCulture platform is live! Read on to see some of the Keep reading...

Yes in French: Si or Oui, and other options for French Yes and No

Have you heard French speakers use both oui and si and it has you confused? This is the post for you! Today we’ll go over how to say yes in various contexts, including formal French, slang French, and in response to both affirmative and negative statements. We’ll also go over how to say no Keep reading...

Voilà in French: All its uses and meanings

Move over “C’est la vie” and “Oh là là!” Today we’re going to talk about the well-known French word voilà! This popular word has been adopted into English and is used to add a touch of that French “je ne sais quoi” to everyday conversations, but what’s the actual voilà meaning Keep reading...